Mitzvah Day is a meaningful and fun opportunity for our entire community to come together to engage in service learning and give back. Through hands on activities, adults and children can produce real results for a variety of local nonprofits.
The day consists of dozens of volunteer projects that can be done by members of all ages, for example:
- Preparing meals for a local soup kitchen
- Knitting hats for NICU babies and patients receiving chemotherapy at nearby hospitals
- Preparing seedlings for our community garden
- Creating mishloach manot bags for local Holocaust survivors
- Packing toiletries and supplies for those experiencing homelessness
- Sorting food for the Interfaith Food Pantry of the Oranges
- An interactive fundraiser for victims of the Los Angeles fires
- Writing cards to support our brothers and sisters in Israel
- Creating packages to deliver to refugees from the war in Ukraine, who members of our community will visit in April on the March of the Living trip
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