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Prime Time: Weird Science and the Kabbalah with Frank Dyer

March 26 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

12:00 PM: Doors open & schmooze

12:30 PM: Program begins

The Kabbalah has been described by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz as the official theology of the Jewish People. Sure, everybody has heard of this fascinating mystical system, even Madonna (who goes by “Esther” in her kabbalistic studies), but not many people outside of the Orthodox and specifically Hasidic communities is familiar with its teachings.

Learn about aspects of Kabbalah as they relate to findings of modern science, as well as some 18th century science carried over into the modern era. We’ll cover Rabbi Steinsaltz, Antoine Lavoisier, Bishop Berkeley, Bell Labs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Vedanta, the Zohar, Sefat Emet, and lots of brain stuff. You’ll participate in a brain experiment. and perhaps even experience a little mind-bending as we go along. Don’t forget to wear your red string!  (Just kidding.)

Frank J. Dyer. Ph.D., ABPP is a forensic psychologist with a longstanding interest in neuroscience and Jewish mysticism.

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March 26
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:


Temple B’nai Jeshurun
1025 S Orange Ave
Short Hills, NJ 07078 United States