
Get Involved

Anchored in the strength and joy of togetherness, we are here for each other in times of joy, need, and all that falls in between.

At TBJ, we are doers; finding happiness and meaning in working on shared goals.

Prime Time

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Prime Time offers educational and entertaining programs for adults with a thirst for culture and knowledge. Programs are usually held on weekday afternoons.


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Ruach – meaning “spirit” in Hebrew – offers social events and intellectual discussions for empty nesters focused around the compelling issues about which we care the most. Programs are usually held on weekday evenings.

TBJ in the City: A 20s and 30s Community

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Are you (or is someone in your family) a young professional living in NYC? Throughout the year we offer programs and events such as Shabbat experiences, happy hours, and learning sessions specifically for those in their 20s and 30s. Formerly known as Tribe, TBJ in the City often works in collaboration with other NYC synagogues to create vibrant programming open to all young professionals interested in Jewish life in NYC.

Tikkun Olam

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At the heart of our B’nai Jeshurun community sits the value of Tikkun Olam, our sacred obligation to heal the world. At all stages of life, from the youngest members of our Early Childhood Center, Religious School, teen programs, and through adulthood, TBJ is committed to living out the values of Reform Judaism and the teachings of our ancient tradition by infusing tzedakah (charity), g’milut chasadim (acts of kindness), and tzedek (justice) into each and every corner of TBJ.

Caring Committee

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The TBJ Caring Committee is here to be a resource for our members in moments of joy and need. We are always looking for volunteers to serve our TBJ family with friendly check-ins over the phone or at home, meal deliveries, rides to TBJ and/or doctor appointments. and help running errands.

Israel Committee

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Our Israel committee serves to help mobilize TBJ’s passion and support for Israel. Our committee focuses on four areas of interest: Israel Culture, Israel Advocacy, College Students, and Hasbara (Hebrew for public relations).

Continuing Education

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Our adult congregants may choose from an array of outstanding seminars, workshops, and weekly classes, including Torah study, parenting workshops, and basic Judaism. Guest speakers address stimulating and thought-provoking topics.

Women’s Association

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TBJ Women’s Association provides an opportunity for women of the congregation to strengthen their ties to each other. We have a very active calendar with all kinds of ways for the women of TBJ to get involved in Temple life.


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TBJ’s Brotherhood is for male-identifying members of all ages to be together, learn, have fun, create lasting friendships and support each other. We do this through programs like our annual Scotch in the Sukkah, summer barbeque, as well as various dinners, sporting events, and guest speakers. We strive to strengthen and promote friendships, spirituality, and our shared heritage.

Parents’ Association

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Working together with the ECC administration, faculty, and our Clergy, the Parents’ Association’s primary mission is to enhance the experiential education of our children by planning, assisting, and creating programs. Every TBJ parent is a member of our vibrant Parents’ Association.

At TBJ, our goal is to be an inclusive community and ensure that members and guests feel comfortable in our building and are uninhibited from fully participating in our services and programs.

Should you or a guest require any support or accommodations, please contact Rebecca Wood, Director of Engagement at (973) 671-6630.