
Minhag HaMakom: Music of Shabbat at TBJ

Minhag HaMakom translates literally to “the custom of the place” and is used to refer to the local customs in a community. At TBJ, Shabbat is brought to life with the power of music. Week in and week out, the voices of our cantors, our congregation and the incredible musicians who join us in prayer, bring light and meaning to our Shabbat services.

Musical style and expression, like every other custom, evolves with time. At any given moment in Temple B’nai Jeshurun’s 175-year history, the music of Shabbat has been a reflection of the popular styles of the day and the collective voice of our community.

In thinking about how we might mark our 175th anniversary through song, our musical team wanted to record a microcosm of what Shabbat services sound like at TBJ in this moment in time. Ten, twenty or even 100 years ago, the prayers may have been the same but the melodies we used to bring them to life would have been completely different! In every age and stage of Jewish life, the music of our prayer services is a representation of the culture of the community, and this album is a musical time capsule of our congregational minhag, our tradition, today.

The melodies on this record are all examples of what you will hear if you join us for a Shabbat evening or morning service. The composers span the generations; some more contemporary than others. The track list follows the liturgy of the siddur, i.e. the order you will find it within the service. If you listen through, you will find yourself transported to Shabbat services and I hope you will find yourself inclined to sing along.

I want to express my immense gratitude to Ann and Leonard Robinowitz for their generosity in sponsoring the recording of this album and making this project possible. Their family dates back generations at Jeshurun and their commitment to the lasting legacy of music in the congregation is demonstrated by their support of this record.

I hope it brings joy and meaning to your lives.

Cantor Lucy B. Fishbein , Senior Cantor 

“From generation to generation, L’dor Vador, these lips will praise your name.”

— Josh Nelson, L’dor Vador (Track 13)




2. L’CHA DODI Kol Haneshama

3. BAR’CHU Noah Aronson

4. MI CHAMOCHA Lucy B. Fishbein

5. HASHKIVEINU Fred Ross-Perry

6. V’SHAMRU J. Binder

7. MI SHEBEIRACH Debbie Friedman & D’rora Stetel

8. SHALOM RAV Jeff Klepper & Daniel Freelander

9. OSEH SHALOM Lucy B. Fishbein


10. ELOHAI Fred Ross-Perry

11. SIM SHALOM Julie Silver

12. OSEH SHALOM Elana Jagoda

13. L’DOR VADOR-SH’MA Josh Nelson-Solomon Sulzer

14. EITZ CHAYIM HI Tanchum Portnoy

15. OD YAVO Moshe Ben Ari


Though pieces are not traditional for the liturgy of Shabbat, they represent music that has brought meaning to our Holy Day services as well as commentary on the core value of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. They feature the voices of our currrent and former Cantorial Interns, Cantor Becky Mann (TBJ Intern 2022-23) and Lauren Blasband-Roth (TBJ Intern 2023-25).TRAC


Temple B’nai Jeshurun · Minhag HaMakom: Bonus Tracks

16. WE RETURN-HASHIVEINU Elana Arian & Noah Aronson

17. KOLI EKRA Elana Arian


Composed for TBJ’s 5783 Rosh Hashana Service


19. OLAM CHESED Menachem Creditor

20. LIFT MY LAMP Lucy B. Fishbein

21. LO VASHAMAYIM HI Elana Arian


Cantor Lucy B. Fishbein, Vocals

Matt Turk, Music Director Guitar, Mandolin, Vocals

Pedro d’Aquino, Liturgical Music Associate Piano

Eugene Carr, Cello

Dave Richards, Bass

Gary Schreiner Accordion, Chromatic Harmonica, Keyboard

Rich Stein, Percussion

Ben Sutin, Violin

Cantor Becky, Mann Vocals

Lauren Blasband-Roth, Cantorial Intern, Vocals

Ilana Arazie, Vocals

Dave Kowalski, Sound Engineer

Recorded at Teaneck Sound