Religious Education Center

Teen Programming

TBJ has partnered with the Jewish Education Project to design a central concept that runs through all our programming, from the core curriculum classes, to the Madrichim (Leaders) Program and exciting classes that actively engage teens in their learning, including tikkun olam, cooking, and more. Based on “My Aspiration Playbook (MAP) for Jewish Learning & Living”, we’re super excited to share your exploration of Jewish identity with you!

For more information on classes and the MAP, please contact Youth Educator, Jay Ascher at or call 973-671-6641.

  Enroll Course Schedule

Grades 8 & 9:

Who am I?

Our younger teens will be empowered to answer the question, “Who am I?” We will explore Jewish identity and find relevance in a 3000-year-old tradition. The Core Program meets 6 Sundays throughout the year. Topics on these Sundays are sure to be interesting with clergy and staff discussing topics like “Text Messages”, which explores popular Jewish stories relevant to teenagers.

Grade 10:


Confirmation has the same goal it has had for many years: to help our teenagers navigate their spiritual journey. 10th Graders will learn about what it means to be Jewish on 13 Sundays with Rabbi Matt and Cantor Lucy. It all culminates at the end of the school year with our Confirmation service.

Grades 11 & 12:

How do I participate in the world?

Our older teens can expect to learn about what it means to belong in communities and participate in the world. Our 6 Monday classes will be interesting and revolve around preparing our teens to live Jewishly in their lives in High School and beyond. They will have the opportunity to learn with Clergy about relevant topics, like antisemitism and how to continue

Tikkun Olam

Tikkun Olam (Hebrew for repairing the world) is one of our most popular choices year after year because our teens understand the value of giving back. We spend each session participating in hands-on activities that help our community. Some of these include cooking for Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors, making blankets to donate to Urban Renewal Corp., and sorting coats that were donated to IFPO.

Teen Leadership

Our workshop-style leadership class is great for teens looking to develop their skills as program writers and forward thinkers. By engaging in thoughtful discussions, hands-on activities, and realistic scenarios, our teens learn how to be better leaders in our communities. The curriculum incorporates Jewish ideas into lessons ranging from problem solving to communicating with adults, while making sure it is fun and helpful to what the teens want. The end goal is to get teens to run their own programs for the community.

Teen Trips

A great part of our program is the ability to travel near and far to learn more about Jewish values and history. For more information about trips, visit our website!


Madrichim (Hebrew for guides) are our teen interns at TBJ. Our Madrichim program is thriving, and we are proud of our teens who want to be engaged in the Religious School journeys of our Kindergarteners to 6th Graders on Sundays or Tuesdays. They help in the classrooms and with general logistics to ensure that the school runs smoothly. Our Madrichim can be volunteers or paid once they turn 14. Teens receive great leadership training during our Madrichim Seminars, classes that run every few weeks to help teens develop essential skills relevant to working in Religious School and relevant to their everyday lives.

Jewish Cooking

What is better than eating delicious Jewish food? Learning AND eating delicious Jewish food! Our teens gather every few weeks to learn how to make traditional and modern Jewish dishes. Everything is done with the teens, from sorting out ingredients, to making dinner for the class, to tasting how good whatever is cooked may be. In the past we have made things like Tu B’Shevat Pop-Tarts, challah, and Israeli salad. We are always trying to find innovative ways to make delicious meals!

Rosh Chodesh

Rosh Chodesh is for female-identifying teens to come together and spend time learning, crafting, and talking with Clergy about topics they find interesting. The sessions are a great opportunity to relax with a group and hang out at temple while casually learning about Judaism.

For more information on classes and the MAP, please contact Youth Educator, Jay Ascher at or 973-671-6641.


Religious Education Center