Team Members

Leah H. Sternberg

Associate Rabbi

Rabbi Sternberg joined the clergy team in July 2019.

Rabbi Sternberg was raised in West Bloomfield, Michigan and the Reform movement, participating in NFTY and working at URJ Camp George in Ontario.  She received her B.A. in History and Jewish Studies from the University of Michigan in 2014 and was ordained at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion’s Los Angeles Campus in May 2019.

During her time there she has had a diversity of experiences: serving congregations in Oregon, Colorado and California, working as a chaplain intern at the Los Angeles Jewish Home for the Aging, and serving as the Rabbinic Intern for the Southern California region of the Reform Movement’s Youth Program (NFTY). Most recently she was the manager of Jewish Engagement and Advocacy for the Jewish Center for Justice in Los Angeles. In addition to her rabbinic degrees, Rabbi Sternberg also holds a certificate in Jewish Nonprofit Management from HUC-JIR.