Team Members

Tammy Anagnostis

Family Educator

Tammy Anagnostis began working at Temple B’nai Jeshurun in 2015 as an educator and then Director for the alternative Chavurah program. This past year, Tammy is proud to serve in the role of Family Educator, a new position created by the synagogue. She holds an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology and Sociology and a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. She has spent her entire career working in Jewish Education starting with her role as the Teen Director at The JCC on the Palisades. She then began working for the URJ as the National Junior Youth Program Director. Following this, she worked in Boston at the Rashi School as a 4th grade teacher. She continued her work in the Day School world working at Rodeph Sholom in New York City where she also taught 4th grade and was the Social Justice Coordinator for the school. In addition to working at TBJ, Tammy serves as the Dean of Faculty at The Lower School of Golda Och Academy in West Orange where she has worked for eight years. Camp Harlam, NFTY and Hillel played important roles in shaping Tammy into the Jewish Educator that she has become. She blends a creative vision for family engagement and Jewish learning with a strategic vision for implementing meaningful programs. Tammy is passionate about children, inspiring others to make a difference in the world, and developing deep connections with people. She is the proud Mom of two daughters, Talia and Jaiden, who along with her husband Rob, enjoy attending many TBJ programs.