Team Members

Rena Abrams

Executive Director

Rena came to Congregation B’nai Jeshurun with extensive experience operating and managing nonprofits on a local and national level. Most recently, Rena was the Senior Director of NextDor and Community Engagement at the Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest NJ. In 2017 she received the Leo Brody Communal Service award from JPRO New Jersey. Rising from Director of USY on Wheels to Associate Director of Education at Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City, she later joined Perry Davis Associates as Senior Account Executive consulting with Israel and Jewish nonprofits. Born and raised in New Jersey, Rena attributes her passion for Jewish community to attending Gold Och Academy (West Orange, NJ) and participating in USY. She earned her bachelor’s in sociology from Barnard College/Columbia University and a bachelor’s in Bible from List College at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where she also earned a master’s in informal and community Jewish education. She lives in South Orange with her husband and two children.
